Public authorities

Found 7 public authorities in the category ‘Test authorities’

Please don't use this authority; it doesn't really exist.
0 requests.
0 requests.
Also called daascot This is Martyn's test authority for FoISA related issues.
0 requests.
Also called DAA This is a test authority. DO not make requestsMartyn's test authority (temp) This body was formed on 1 April 2021 as part of a merger between several...
0 requests.
A strong description and not so strong.
0 requests.
Also called mySociety test - please do not send FOI requests!
0 requests.
This a test authority, please don't send any FOI requests to it!
0 requests.

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Beginning with

Central government


Emergency services

Environment and agriculture

Groups of public authorities


Law making bodies, the courts and the legal system

Local and regional

Media and culture


Military and security services

Transport and infrastructure


Defunct bodies

Devolved Administration
