Public authorities

Found 11 public authorities in the category ‘Opticians’

Also called Boots From Boots, you can only request information relating to its NHS pharmacy and opticians business.
0 requests.
From Bridle Opticians, you can request only information under FOIA relating to its NHS opticians business.
0 requests.
As this is an independently owned company rather than a public body, you can only request information relating to its NHS services.
0 requests.
An opticians, based in Lewisham, Greater London.
0 requests.
From In Focus Optics, you can request only information under FOIA relating to its NHS opticians business.
0 requests.
0 requests.
Optometrists with a chain of stores throughout East London and the home counties. As this is an independently owned company rather than a public body,...
0 requests.
From Specsavers, you can request only information under FOIA relating to its NHS opticians business.
0 requests.
0 requests.
You can only request information relating to its NHS services.
0 requests.

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