Public authorities

Found 6519 public authorities in the category ‘Academies’

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Run by the Horizons Specialist Academy Trust
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This academy was previously Abbey Park Junior, Infant and Nursery School.
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Part of Bright Futures Educational Trust
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Part of Ebor Academy Trust.
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Aldersley High School is an academy in Wolverhampton, sponsored by the Amethyst Academies Trust.
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Formerly known as West London Academy.
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Previously known as All Saints RC Comprehensive School.
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Part of Ebor Academy Trust. Also see All Saints Church of England Junior Academy, Hessle.
0 requests.
Part of Ebor Academy Trust. Also see All Saints Church of England Infant Academy, Hessle.
0 requests.

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Central government


Emergency services

Environment and agriculture

Groups of public authorities


Law making bodies, the courts and the legal system

Local and regional

Media and culture


Military and security services

Transport and infrastructure


Defunct bodies

Devolved Administration
